Stitchy Journals
You love to cross stitch, you have a few projects on the go, many patterns you plan to get to, and a bunch of small completed pieces you aren't quite sure what to do with or how to finish them for display. If this sounds like you, I have a solution to these "problems"...a cross stitch journal!
Cross stitch journals, or as I like to call them stitchy journals, have many different purposes, and come in many different sizes and formats. Some have a stitchy journal to keep track of their WIPs and completed projects, others keep small pieces they have stitched in their journals, and some do both! A stitchy journal is basically a cross stitch diary. There really are no rules on what you should keep in them.
If you have small completed cross stitch pieces and aren't sure on how you should finish them for display, putting them in a stitchy journal is a great idea. You can write about the project to remember when/why you stitched it. These types of stitchy journals end up being like a scrapbook.
Some stitchy journals are notebooks that you keep record of all your stitching projects in. These journals are especially handy if you tend to give away many of your completed cross stitch projects as gifts.
What type of information you keep track of is completely up to you (again, no rules!) but here are some common things that can be found in stitchy journals:
- Name of the pattern and designer
- Start date, finish date
- Who it was made for, and why
- Fabrics used
- Floss colours used
- Cost of supplies
- Finishing details
Whatever you choose to include in your stitchy journal, years later when you go through it will be a joy. You get to go back in time and remember all the hard work you put into your cross stitching.
There are many different types of cross stitch journals available out there to purchase. You can find them on Etsy, Amazon and many different craft stores. You can also make your own if you enjoy to scrapbook.
I am very lucky to have a sister who is an extremely talented scrapbooker and made me my own stitchy journal:

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